21. July 2022

Challenges and opportunities in the online universe

Doing online marketing "blindly" can be expensive. The fundamental questions of how, where, why, and with which target group measures work cannot be answered without planning. However, this is necessary to use the budget in a target-oriented manner. In today's prevailing multichannel marketing landscape, it is essential to make different measures and areas measurable - thus bringing some light into the foggy online universe...

Make decisions, define goals

Ideally, branding and performance marketing pay off each other. Thus, the achievement of branding goals should be pursued with the same enthusiasm and precision as sales-oriented advertising. Because no matter which goal is pursued: Every measure is measurable. The result, however, depends strongly on whether you set relevant and realistic goals for each step and which questions you want to have answered. Without preparation, branding and digital marketing are just random shots.

  • How do I lead new customers to my web store?
  • What is a good click?
  • How do I measure the success of my website?
  • Welche Daten brauche ich, um meine relevanten Marketing-Fragen zu beantworten?

  • Wie erfasse ich Daten und was will ich mit Ihnen erreichen?

  • Welche Entscheidung sollte ich auf Basis der Daten treffen können?

Measuring and interpreting data

If you want to measure the success of digital marketing measures and analyze the resulting data and figures, you need a tool. A well-known example of this is Google Analytics. However, this does not mean that this tool - whichever one you choose - solves all marketing challenges. It is a tool like others, which wants to be operated properly. Finding the right tool for your needs and resources from an almost endless selection of digital analytics solutions requires some prior consideration. How much should the tool cost? Who will evaluate the data, and who will optimize and implement it? What does the tool contribute to my marketing goals? Too many complex functions and unclear handling, unfortunately, often lead in practice to tools not being used correctly and purposefully. Therefore, it is better to start with a free or inexpensive tool and use it to its full potential. Otherwise, the license costs will exceed the budget before optimization or evaluation can occur.

Compare efficiency and manage measures

The massive volume of data that can and must be collected and analyzed using tools is both a blessing and a curse. To be able to make decisions based on this, into which marketing channels how much budget flows, the comparison of their efficiency is fundamental. On this basis, marketing can be controlled in a targeted manner, and one receives clues as to why an online strategy works or does not work. However, this does not guarantee that the most expensive channel is also the most efficient. An example of this: investing in Google Ads, i.e., placing ads based on search results, which does not automatically ensure that more people will search for my brand.

  • How can I use my budget for online advertising in a targeted way?
  • Which marketing channels bring customers that are valuable for my company?
  • What content do users like?
  • How many resources can I mobilize for my digital marketing?
  • Is an experienced external partner worthwhile?
  • What role do digital channels play in my business goals?

Which activities and channels for which business objectives?

Because just as complex as our environment is, so is the search and purchase behavior on the Internet - and with it, the possibility of contact points with potential customers. Countless functions, trends, legal regulations, and technical hurdles do not make things any easier. That's why it's essential to invest time and knowledge in a targeted and focused way to establish your best practices - and make your brand meaningful and measurable. This gives you a complete overview of campaigns and channels with reference to your business goals.

Web presence with an impact
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