02. August 2022

A good web presence is worth the money

Today, a website is THE base for being present in the almost infinite digital worlds. At the right time, on a suitable device, with the right target groups. And it's your first business card for conveying a good impression of your offering and your corporate culture.

A good camera alone does not make a good picture. And likewise, a website does not automatically make a good web presence. Whether you build your website yourself or have it created by a professional: Some points must be considered before your web presence pays off.

Concept and planning

As a first step in determining your website's goals, there are four W's, the answer to which will form the foundation of your web success:

  • WHAT do you want to achieve with your website? awareness, information transfer, customer contacts, sales, reach, image.... depending on what you want to focus on, the procedure, structure and content of a website differ.
  • WHO do you want to reach as your target group? Think inside the brain of your target group. You should know their needs and expectations so that you can provide specific information tailored to them - and thus gain relevance for your target group.
  • HOW do you want to achieve these goals? How do you get your website visitors to act according to your goals? Without convincing arguments, you will hardly get anyone to use your website, buy your products or talk about your brand.
  • WHAT do you want to work with? This is about what content - in images and text - will provide your target groups with the information they need to get the knowledge edge they want from your website.

Content and design

What page content is there, and how should it be arranged according to the needs, interests, and reading habits of your target groups? With the answers to these questions, content slowly takes shape.

  • Which layout supports the information finding of my target groups? This is about structuring and prioritizing. These should match the content and your corporate identity.
  • Which content offers added value and invites people to stay on your website as long as possible? Which keywords do you want to be found with, or are your target groups looking for? Meaningful keywords in menu structure and text, as well as logical reader guidance, contribute to the ranking and visibility of your presence on the Internet.
  • Which "call to action" elements (i.e., an invitation to a specific action such as "download now", "contact us", "sign up for the newsletter", etc.) lead to interaction with your target groups and ultimately to contact?

It's worth investing time in research to find the right web tool for your business. It's essential to keep your goals and resources in mind when choosing technical tools. After all, a beautiful website is only of limited use if it does not function reliably and is easy and fast to use.

  • What are your requirements, possibilities, and budget constraints for your website? Think sustainably and reflect your framework conditions. Otherwise, you will have a content management system or tool that is not target-oriented for you and your business, as it may devour too much time and resources...
  • What technical requirements must your website meet? If you have complex content that needs specific technical requirements, you should have a tool that supports this and is flexible enough to respond to innovations in an agile way.
  • Who will maintain your website and keep it up-to-date? So-called free providers are indeed not always free of charge, and unpleasant surprises often follow at the latest with the first update. Choose a web content system that is uncomplicated to use. It makes little sense if you have to call in a specialist for every change.
  • How do you measure the success of your website? Various tools can measure who was on your website, through what channels, for how long, and for what content. This allows you to optimize your web presence based on this data specifically.

Erstellung und Bewirtschaftung

Your plan "W" for more online presence

Whether for the communication of projects, online marketing and sale of your products, or image cultivation: A website must be found and seen, and its content read and understood. Only then can it make a positive contribution to your brand. Your website or app is already well positioned with an optimal combination of SEO-optimized content in an appropriately designed form.

Any website is quickly "built". However, what distinguishes a website from a good website is, on the one hand, its relevant content and, to a large extent, its analysis, maintenance, and management. Good planning is half the battle - so that your web presence pays off and you can exploit its full potential as your company's first business card.